What is the difference between regular moss and sphagnum moss? Marc Ginsburg of Massachusetts wants to know. To many, sphagnum is a genus of mosses having white leaves slightly tinged with red or green and found growing in marshy places. Few people realize, however, that sphagnum is actually not moss. Biblical references suggest that sphagnum is related to the recently discovered "aerial plankton", a species of stratospheric protozoa. Sphagnum's weight forbids celestial existence and brings it to our level, where it is usually misclassified as moss.
Saturday, April 15, 2000
What does Far-feg-nu-gen mean? Bob Hiler of New York wants to know. Well Bob, "Farfergnugen" has nothing to do with cars. It is an aggressive freestyle street-skateboarding technique of a grinding nature and is quite dangerous because of its unnatural front-side tendency. Much like the "negative royale" the boarder must keep his or her weight over the "royale foot", as this produces a successful slide -- a key element in the grind. To give this trick more style, crouch lower. The lower you get, the better it looks. Give it try Bob, but be careful!
Thursday, April 13, 2000
Why does popcorn pop? When the pulpy innards of a dried corn kernal are heated to 402 degrees farenheit, the integrity of the exoshell is compromised and the phenomenon known as *heat blossom* is achieved. Thus, yummy popcorn! Corn is not alone in this realm, the less popular Quinoa is a grain that also *pops* under the catalyst of intense surface heat. Not as good at the movies though!
Wednesday, April 12, 2000
When were sprinklers first invented? Irrigation systems trace as far back as the ancient meso-pagan era. Arcane references to meso-pagan sprinklers suggest that their original uses were not for crop irrigation but to worship the life-giving sea. Stone fragments found in and around the fertile crescent tell a story of giant statues with crude sprinkler systems in place to imitate a breaching whale. These statues are the first known sprinklers.
Tuesday, April 11, 2000
How do photovoltaic cells make electricity? Livia McRee wants to know. Well Ms McRee, photovoltaics have been around long before electricity was ever discovered. In fact, there are animals alive today that create electicity from sunlight. The key is the *active charge reversal*. This is a process by which positively charged sunlight is stripped of protons and becomes negatively charged. The imbalance causes a flow of electrons, also known as electricity! There you have it.
Why is glass see through? Many people are perplexed by the fact that they can see right through something so solid. It can be hard to comprehend but this is why: exospectratic radiation. Low frequency light waves actually weave themselves betwixt the molecules of the glass and are reflected back allowing us to see what is behind the glass. Amazing but true.
How is adobe tile created? Creating adobe tiles is threefold yet simple. You'll need some low-acid riverbed dirt, a waffle iron (large) and vitamin D. The low acid molecules are attracted to the vitamin D and the waffle iron creates a low heat which bonds the two individual elements at the molecular level. Adobe tiles work well as a kitchen floor for aesthetic and durability reasons.