Matt Flanagan's seemingly sempiternal stream of questions provided some weekend fun for our interns. 1.) If Jesus and Superman had a boxing match, who would win and why? Superman would win due to Jesus' "Other Cheek" policy. 2.) Does God ever get confused? When God gets confused, he has Supertectonics at his disposal. 3.) If you die in real life do you die in your dream? Your dream continues without you. 4.) How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck had leukemia? Woodchucks do not chuck wood. 5.) What are the five most reliable ways to prevent tooth decay? All five: *Nanodental Symbiosis*. 6.) Can one really dig to China by borrowing through the center of the Earth? Yes, and when you finish, China will be under Tibetan rule. 7.) What causes wrinkles? *Gravidermal Decay*. 8.) How far is too far? Too far is infinite. 9.) I've been told that in certain parts of Texas, if you sexually assault someone underneath a mistletoe, it's not illegal. Can you confirm? Confirmed, but still wrong, Matt.
Sunday, June 11, 2000
Matt Flanagan kept them busy. Here's the back nine. 10.) If I travel back in time and impregnate my own Mom, will I be born retarded? Van der Wane's principle hypothesizes yes, perhaps you have empirical information? 11.) Is it possible to mail myself somewhere via the United States Postal Service? Yes, but you risk sterility in Ohio. 12.) If I were to go back in time and prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, what would the country be like now? Like Europe but fatter. 13.) What was Jesus's favorite food? Guacamole. 14.) Qui est le plus fort homme dans les etas-unis? L'homme le plus fort aux Etats-Unis est "Chief Big Rock" de Colorado 15.) My Dad's a pretty big guy, do you think he could be a wrestler? All of us here at Supertectonics think your dad could be a wrestler. 16.) I think there's a little man who lives in my fridge, but he runs away when I open the door. Is there any way I can trick him into revealing himself? Do not attempt "trick" the *freon elf*, you will only get hurt. 17.) Can I subsist off my own sweat? If you drink a lot of water, and maintain a healthy diet, yes. 18.) If all the countries of the world were to ban together and fire all their nuclear weapons directly at the moon, what would happen? Supertectonics' *Lunar Defense Mesh* would redirect them into the sun. Thanks Matt!