Saturday, October 21, 2000

How can I make a robot with clips? Everardo from Mexico City is feeling crafty. Everardo, building a device capable of performing a variety of often complex tasks on command or by being programmed in advance from "clips" simply involves separating the metallic constituents of said "clips" in such a way as to preserve the alloys inherent within that can be further smelted and reduced to *nanoscopic polyforms.* Having harvested only the fittest polyforms you will need a highly refractive crystalline form of carbon with which to etch what Alfred Renn first dubbed *thirsty grooves.* Thirsty Grooves retain sonic instruction from a standard Lunmann Speaker. Caution, however, is recommended whenever taking on the role of Creator in an operation such as this. It is also keen to note that the word "robot," from Slavonic, "rabata" translates as "servitude," or "slave." Keep that in mind when you first deem to transform aforementioned "clips." Carry on Everardo.