Friday, April 21, 2000

What the f***? An anonymous tectonics fan demands to know. Well, sir or madam, here at tectonics we believe that our vast resources and sharp minds should not go untapped. We have decided to use the *agro-multic* capabilites of the internet to publish valuable information to the masses. We believe that people have a natural desire, and an unalienable right to know the truth. We chose to partner with in this endeavor, as they are the only web company currently employing *dynamic phase reversal*, and therefore the only company that our class 5 *remote sensing robots* can successfully interface with. Thanks for your interest, visit again!
How high is the World Trade Center? Jacob from East River Falls WA would like an answer. A few months ago the answer would have been quite different, Jacob. A current project being undertaken now in China is of such an excessive scale that recently new regulations have been drawn up by the International Architecture and Design Committee on Weights and Measures. Section II page 3 of the manifest states, "Dimensions, quantity, or capacity is to be ascertained by comparison with existing natural phenomena.". Basically, the new system measures architecture, not from the ground up, but from an area of the sky called the *Stratoscape* down. The answer to your question is simply this: The World Trade Center is 4.683 miles from Stratoscape 0, or "4.683 S-0".
How and when did Finland get its name? William of Orlando, FL asks. William, you have heard of Swiss Army knives and yet you may know there is no Swiss army, as Switzerland remains neutral in accordance with the Edict of Nance II. Similarly, you have seen Finland on world maps and yet "Finland" does not exist. Roberto Di Quirico, the Italian cartographer credited with drawing up the first world map in 1204 AD spilled herbal tea on his nearly completed final version. Eager to make his deadline, Di Quirico traced around the stain and labeled it "Finland" after his beloved parakeet, Fincenzo. To this day, cartographers leave Finland in as an homage to history.

Thursday, April 20, 2000

What is "The Bradley Method"? Greg from Sonsett MA is perplexed. My colleague recently published an article in the journal Science about anticharged betavectors as well as a response right here at tectonics that refers to *The Bradley Method* (see: How does sound travel through phone lines?). Donald Bradley is a leading photonics expert who was humiliated in the late 1950's when the greater part of his life's work in "instantaneous transport" proved only to be "almost instant". Bradley made millions in the early 60's, however, when he sold his research to Bell Labs for use in retroconductors (an integral part of telephone harmonics). Bradley now lives comfortably with his wife, Frita, on Cape Cod.
Did chickens really evolve from dinosaurs? Well, "Jose from Texas", this popular theory for the history of the steps by which birds acquired similar morphological and physiological characteristics of dinosaurs is widely accepted. The deeper truth, however, can be unnerving. Discoveries in the field of *Genetic Retention* have revealed that no genetic code is lost in the successive phases of growth or development. In other words, evolution does not delete old files, so "Gallus domesticus" retains all the genetic information of its ancient Mesozoic friends. Take note.

Wednesday, April 19, 2000

How come I can smell an orange? Eric from Mantakeese, NJ is curious. Eric, the easy answer to your question is that you do not smell anything. Collectively, the human race shares a vast database of sensory experience called *REALM*. Created over hundreds of thousands of years, this database exists inside our subconscious mind in an intensely condensed form. Archived within it are all things that cannot be accurately conveyed through words or speech (smell and color are both present). Everything in the universe emits vibration. This vibration is the key that instructs REALM to unlock the experience so that you may "smell" an orange.
How is it that you guys can answer all these questions? Dr. Chen from Manhattan needs to know. Well Doctor, high and peculiar gifts of nature impelling the mind to certain kinds of mental effort and producing new combinations of ideas, imagery, and thought implies "Genius". However, "Talent" supposes general strength of intellect, with a peculiar aptitude for being molded and directed to specific employments, valuable ends and purposes. Genius is connected more or less with the exercise of imagination, and reaches its ends by a kind of intuitive power. Talent depends more on high mental training, and a perfect command of all the faculties: memory, judgment, sagacity, etc. Hence, equal doses of genius and talent working in tandem enable us to produce valuable answers to the posed questions here at tectonics. Thank you for your interest!

Tuesday, April 18, 2000

Is there life on other planets? Any given planet may appear lifeless; without organic matter or fossils of extinct life. However, remote sensing and boxed thinking often leads many astray. Current exobiotic theory from leading fringe lateralists puts forth the idea that planets themselves are life forms of the genus Antaeus. Life on any given planet is merely parasitic and only granted by the grace of this giant species.