Friday, July 07, 2000

What is the question to the answer 42? Bill, from New York is numerologically frisky. Well Bill, some believe that the query sated by the number 42 refers to "The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything", fictitious hyperintelligent pandimensional characters *Loonquawl* and *Phouchg* included. However, 7.5 million years of consideration is wasted if you do not realize that 42 is not the correct answer. As a matter of fact, the very idea of an "Ultimate Question" is only a ruse to misguide and confusticate the *intellectually proud*. The enigmatic response, "42" is an illusory "answer" to a seemingly "deep thought" that will only lead you down a dark, academian path. Enjoy your weekend Bill, thanks for the contribution!

Sunday, July 02, 2000

What does this do? Mike, from his lofty nest on the 33rd floor, is vaguely interested in Supertectonics. Mike, superfluous comments on the nature of technology aside, our *Active Esponse System* (AES) is simple yet four-natured. First, your "question" is hypertransmitted through our standard six code *semi-encryptor*. Second, our staff of trained "beings" decodes the transmission and it is forwarded to the third step. Our patented "Third Step" cannot be disclosed at this time. Last but not least, your entry is considered, mulled over, and responded to in due time. Our sometimes dangerous and highly covert government related "rescues" have been known, unfortunately, to conflict with the speedy fulfillment of your probing inquiries. Thank you for your interest, Mike, and please take note of elevator 2's inspection date.