Tuesday, August 15, 2000

Will I have my 40th birthday on Mars? Philip Negoshian is spaced out. Phil, you may know that NASA has landed various light crafts on the red planet. What most people don't know, however, is that those crafts were phase one of the highly secretive *Analog Seed Program*. Tiny, insect-like robots made from paper clips and parts found in "VCR"'s and "Walkmen" emerged from the rover exactly ten days after acceptable termination of *Media Gorge*. Two types of critters are now frolicking in the dust, "builders" and "harvesters". Builders have one collective goal: pile sand. Harvesters have a similarly singular goal: gather sand. All are solar powered. This may seem unimportant, Phil, but what they are working on will ultimately be the key to you enjoying a "Marsarita" on July 18th, 2017.